Sweating Excessively : Causes, Concerns, And Cures

Sweating is our body’s natural air conditioning system. When your body heats up, it tries to cool down through sweat. Sweating excessively though can be a cause of discomfort and embarrassment. What’s more, it may be a symptom of underlying health issues.

What is Excessive Sweating?

Excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis, is a common disorder which often leads to uneasy feeling. It’s estimated that 2-3% of American people suffer from excessive sweating of the underarms or feet. Sweating excessively can take a toll on everyday activities, personal relationships, and one’s emotional state.

Causes of Excessive Sweating

The underlying causes of excessive sweating can be diverse. They mainly fall into two categories:

  • Primary hyperhidrosis: This condition is not triggered by any other health conditions and does not pose significant health risks, but it can cause mental distress and embarrassment.
  • Secondary hyperhidrosis: This is caused due to an underlying medical condition like menopause, thyroid issues, low blood sugar, some types of cancer, heart attack, nervous system disorders, or infectious diseases like tuberculosis or HIV.

Managing Excessive Sweating

If you are dealing with excessive sweating, you’re surely not alone. Although it can be unsettling, remember that it’s often a manageable condition. There are many ways you can go about managing excessive sweating. For starters, wearing breathable clothing, staying hydrated, and using a clinical-strength antiperspirant can help. Moreover, maintaining a healthy lifestyle by practicing regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and reducing stress can also play an essential role in managing sweat.

Is There A Treatment for Excessive Sweating?

If you’ve tried home remedies and are still left wondering ‘is there a treatment for excessive sweating?’ — you’re in luck, there is. A variety of medical treatments are available to address this issue effectively:

  • Medical Antiperspirants: The first line of treatment usually involves prescription-strength antiperspirants. These contain aluminium chloride hexahydrate, which blocks sweat pores.
  • Iontophoresis: This treatment employs a device that uses water to conduct a mild electrical current through the skin’s surface. It’s commonly used for palms and soles sweating.
  • Botulinum Toxin (Botox): Botox injections can halt the production of the chemical that triggers sweat glands. It’s usually effective for six to twelve months.
  • Miradry: An innovative treatment that uses targeted heat energy to eliminate sweat glands without invasive surgery.
  • Medications: Certain antidepressants or medicines may help reduce sweating, particularly if you’re dealing with stress-induced sweating.

If your condition is severe and other treatments have been ineffective, surgical options can be considered. The major surgical approaches are sweat gland removal or nerve surgery. It’s essential to discuss all these treatment options with your doctor to decide on the best course of action for your individual case.


Although excessive sweating can be a cumbersome burden, effective treatments exist. It’s important to remember that everyone is different, and what works well for one person may not work as well for another. Ensure you discuss all aspects of your health with your doctor to help them better understand and combat your excessive sweating.