Have A Great Smile After A Dental Cleaning Procedure

Have A Great Smile After A Dental Cleaning Procedure


Shane Hester

A dental cleaning procedure is a very regular routing – for a dentist or a dental hygienist. It does not take very long. The whole session can last as quick as 30 minutes to over an hour. But it really depends upon the condition of the patient\’s teeth and gums.

What does a dental cleaning procedure constitute?

First of all, after a patient\’s appointment, the dental hygienist will have to prep the patient for the whole session. It involves a few minutes of relaxing conversation to ease up a tense patient. This is a very major concern by almost all people who go to the dentist. There is fear and apprehension. Patients are all tensed up for the procedure. The dental hygienist will make sure that the patient is calm and ready.


After the preparation, the procedure will start will start with scaling. It is a form of cleaning the teeth using various tools – hand or ultrasonic instruments. It is removing the stubborn tartar on the teeth and the inside of the gums from eating foods that cannot be removed by brushing or flossing alone. These tartar has hardened on the surface of the teeth and has become tartar deposits.

The ultrasonic instruments are sometimes hot due to its vibration friction of the teeth. Most of the time, while scaling using the ultrasonic instrument, water is sprayed as well. If your dentist or dental hygienist prefer the hand instrument, this is cleaning teeth and gums to remove tartar using curved tools. This is a much better way to take out smaller tartar deposits since the tools vary in size – there are tiny curved tools too.

After the tedious scaling, the teeth needs to be polished. Polishing the teeth gives it a fresher and whiter look. The scaling can make the teeth rough so to balance it out, a teeth polish is next on the list. The polishing paste will be applied mechanically on your teeth.

Scaling – done and polishing – done. What is next?

Dental cleaning will be complete only after the flouride treatment is done. Why is this required? Flouride treatment strengthens the tooth\’s enamel and keeps it from breaking easily. Tooth decay is delayed too if regular flouride treatment is done. The flouride gel is placed on the dental tray and as much you want to taste the fluoride, it must never be ingested. The tray will stay on your teeth for about 60 seconds before removing it. After that, the whole procedure is finished. Your dentist or dental hygienist will advise you not to eat immediately after the cleaning procedure.

Only a certified dental hygienist or a dentist can provide this service. Teeth cleaning procedure is recommended once every six months. This means that you have to visit your dentist or dental hygienist twice a year.

It can make a lot of difference for your oral health to have periodic teeth cleaning. You will have great teeth and all you can do is smile. Go to your dentist or dental hygienist. You will have that pearly white set of teeth in less than an hour.

There are several great places where you can get

Raleigh dental cleaning

from to insure your mouth stays healthy.

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